My first attempt at a fishing "short".

Thursday, May 26, 2016

International Fly Fishing Fair - Put it on the calendar!

August 4-6, 2016 marks the International Fly Fishing Fair hosted by Park County's own International Federation of Fly Fishers at Park High School in Livingston, Montana.

Put it on your calendars.

The event will include a live auction, BBQ, tying and casting demonstrations, seminars, and much more, including an action packed exhibit hall all three days!  There is a photo contest for all you pic-junkies, stuff for the kids, and much more.  $10 for an adult, $15 for a family, kids 15 and under free.  A limited number of free passes will be available at the Livingston Chamber Office starting on July 1, 2016 for all you looking for a deal.

More information can be found HERE.

Get out there and enjoy in between chasing the hoppers on the Yellowstone...

Sharp Hooks,


Friday, May 13, 2016

Analyzing Trout Rise Forms - A great post over at the Limp Cobra

This morning over a cup of coffee I perused the usual fly fishing blogs... Orvis, ChiWulff, Yellowstoner, and Limp Cobra.  The Cobra came through with my favorite of the day, linking me to "a real gem from Alan Bulmer at Active Angling New Zealand for your trout hunting pleasure."  It goes into different rise forms (Bulging, Tailing, Sipping) and what the fish is likely to be feeding on.

Here's a link to the full article:

It's complete with pictures (mmmmm.... pretttyyy), a great little chart, and some good knowledge to shove into your brain bucket.  Enjoy.

Sharp Hooks,
