My first attempt at a fishing "short".

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Smith looking PERFECT right now.

457 and 723.  Wow.  Go get em on the Smith!  This chart is from the Ft. Logan station.  All I can say is WOW.  Flows are only 723 at Eden Bridge too... Shaping up to be a great trip without me!  

Updated at 11:13 am.... 442 and 716, but with 70 degrees here in Bozeman, the gang better hurry up and land some fish.  Things might get a little fast tonight and tomorrow.  I've heard that the fishing slows way down on the last day of the float, so it might not be a bad thing to zip through there.  

Picture courtesy of the USGS.

Kyle Nelson is a co-founder of The Bobbin Droppers fly tying club, Bozeman, MT.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Smith River Blues

559 and 817.  Those are two really good-looking numbers.  559 and 817.  As I said them out loud they just felt good rolling off my tongue.  When I saw them yesterday it made me happy.  And today, those numbers are 538 and 785.  They're dropping and looking better and better.

Those numbers are the flows (in cfs) on the Smith River at Ft. Logan and Eden Bridge respectively.  A good friend, Kyle Nelson, is on that river right now, and I'm sure he's pulling browns out left and right.  If you were to ask if I was jealous I'd respond with silence and a look that says "why would you ask such a ridiculous question?"  I was supposed to be there.  I was meant to be there, in the boat, hauling 20 inch fish all day long in one of the most beautiful places on earth.  But, as fate would have it (along with the shackles that connect me to my desk), I am not.  But, perhaps there is a silver lining... who knows who's in the boat now... 

Kyle and the crew put in at Camp Baker on Monday, May 28th, 2012.  I sent the dozens of flies that I had tied in anticipation for the trip along with them.  I certainly wasn't going to need 20 JJ's Specials anytime soon.  Hopefully they're being put to good use. 

Seeing those numbers might normally make my stomach turn, knowing that the flows were great, conditions were perfect, the water was clearing up, the fish were probably eating, and I had no place at the table.  But, for some reason, they make me feel great.  Good friends deserve good fishing.

Tight lines Kyle. 

The Picture was painted by Robert Spannring... How could anyone NOT be inspired in such a place?
Check out more of Mr. Spannring's work at or

Kyle Nelson is a co-founder of The Bobbin Droppers fly tying club, Bozeman, MT.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Our weekly fly tying group called "The Bobbin Droppers" ( made the KBZK, CBS Channel 7 News!!!  Check out the link below for the clip!

Fast forward to the 2:13 mark to see The Bobbin Droppers in action!  

Onward and upward!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fly Tying Night at the Eagles!

Fly Tying Night at the Eagles Club, Bozeman, Montana.

Ladies and Jerks, Boys and Girls of all ages!  The weekly meeting of The Bobbin Droppers has officially moved to TUESDAY NIGHTS at the Eagles Club, Upstairs!    Come one, Come all!  There are plenty of seats and tables, vises (both tying and non), materials, etc.  The more the Merrier!!!  Windows! Sunlight!  Space!  I can't say enought about our new meeting room.  6:30 p.m. upstairs in the Chuck Holden Ballroom...  If it's in use, we'll be downstairs in the back next to the dancefloor.  Come on down! I'll be tying articulated streamers (Mmm...yummy).    It's that time of year!  Tell your friends!  Tell your family!  Tell your neighbor!  Tell your dog!   See you soon!