My first attempt at a fishing "short".

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fishing Reports......of sorts.

When I first moved to Bozeman I found a valuable resource to help me begin the journey of "figuring out" the local waters.  That was Hatchopedia, a now defunct website where actual fishermen (and women) who were out on the water, guide or not, could post their own reports.  After reading it for the first time I walked a few hundred yards to the Gallatin and, armed with the info, slayed 'em.  That site is no longer updating reports and I'm not sure what is going on with it, but when I haven't been on the water in a few weeks (i.e. right now) I always like taking a glance at the local shop's fishing reports.

The shops around here do a great job of providing current, accurate information that is very helpful.  For instance, one now reads that a guide floated below Livingston and had a great streamer day.  That is great news.  I've got a box labeled "Yellowstone" that I'm going to have do dust off soon.  However, if I wasn't as prepared as I am, I would be a bit frustrated by the "flys to use" section of almost all of these reports.  A local report from this week provides this list:

Fly Pattern Suggestions

Dries| Elk Hair Caddis: 10-12, Chubby Chernobyl Golden: 8-10, Goofball Yellow: 10-12, Purple Haze: 14-16, Comparadun PMD: 14-16, Hi-Vis Adams: 18-20, CDC Thorax Sulphur: 16-18-20, Flag Dun Slate BWO: 16-18-20, Griffiths Nat: 18-20-22, Low Rider Midge: 18-20-22

Nymphs| Tungsten G6 Caddis: 14-16, Copper John red, yellow, lime: 12-16, Serendipity, Brassie Red, Black, Purple, Biot Midge Pupa, Rubberlegs Olive, Turd, Black, Rusty Orange, Charcoal: 4-6-8 Delektable Brown Stone: 6-8-10 Mr Rubberlegs Goldenstone: 6-8-10 Mega Prince: 4-6-8 Lightning Bug Gold, Pearl, Silver: 14-16-18 TB Bad Habit: 16-18-20 Purple Berger: 12-14-16 Tungsten Sunkist: 14-16-18 Clouser Crayfish Tan & Dark Brown: 8-10 Copper and Pearl Zonker: 4-6 GBRLKB Black, Olive: 6-8 Bush's Dad Crayfish 8-10

Streamers| Black Leach,Micro Streamers, Natural Copper Zonker, T&A Bunkers Olive/White, Rainbow & Whitefish: 2 Swimmin Jimmy Rainbow: 2 Sex Dungeon White, Yellow: 2 Fathead White, Yellow, Olive, Black: 2 Silvey's Sculpin Black, Olive/Black, Olive, White: 2 Buck Rogers Whitefish, Rainbow: 2 Home Invader Black, Yellow, White, Olive: 2 Flash Fry Whitefish, Black/Olive: 2
If I was new to the game this list would look completely Greek.  Further, it lists no less than 38 different patterns and with most lists several different sizes and colors.  To me the "suggestion" is to come into the shop, and buy one of everything.  If there was a "go-to" fly listed, I'd be impressed by the gamble the shop was taking.  "Throw this."  Put it out there.  Their take is a little like a weather man stating that the wind might blow, there is a chance of rain, the temperature should be between 40 and 78 degrees, and who knows, it might be sunny and nice.  Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the reports, but I consider myself lucky being from here, and having the ability to pick up the phone and finding someone to talk to who fished recently.... and getting a "Throw this."
So, I'm going to do it.  While I haven't been on the river in a while, I'm taking all of the "Fly Pattern Suggestions" listed above, and through reasoning that can only be described as throwing a dart at a spinning wheel of 38 different patterns, I give you:

Throw these.

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